We have new images for testing.
Things to look at, as always:
* Does the image boot cleanly?
* Does the Live installer work?
* Does the OEM installer work?
* Does the OEM initial setup work as expected?
* Does the respective desktop function as expected?
* Any noticeable bugs/regressions?
You can find the images for the respective flavors here:
GNOME Live: https://downloads.pureos.net/live/gnome/2019-09-26/
GNOME OEM: https://downloads.pureos.net/oem/gnome/2019-09-26/
Plasma Live: https://downloads.pureos.net/live/plasma/2019-09-26/
I already tested the images and found no noticeable issues, but having
more eyes on them before we change the default download links is
always good.
Happy testing!
It appears as if Amber is on it's way. What is Amber? Amber is the code
name for the new stable version of PureOS. As one can see from the
PureOS changes mailing list, Matthias has added Amber to debootstrap;
I look forward to testing it on my Librem 15. I've already tested it a bit in a Docker container (see deets in pureos-dev chat on matrix.)
Speaking of the PureOS changes mailing list, there is now a bridge from
Laniakea to Matrix. Ask Matthias or myself for an invite.
In discussing the new Buster based version of Amber internally, I note
that there continues to be interest in having Green be the stable
version of PureOS. I worry that if we don't use Green, lots of users
who would benefit from stability will get a huge update once we move
back to a rolling release. Right now, using a Docker image of an
updated Green, I note there are 114[0] packages waiting to be updated
if I switch over to Debian Testing, and that is just for a minimal
image. I imagine those who have a lot more packages installed will see
a lot more updates. This might get messy quickly.
Fortunately I beleive that Matthias and I have a plan that will work
and be minimaly invasive to users. The plan is to _append_ the various
Amber suites to /etc/apt/sources.list and have users update that way.
There are some new Docker images for 'green' and 'landing' available
here: https://cloud.docker.com/u/pureos/repository/docker/pureos/green
I plan to create one for Amber and Purple as well. I'm automating the
process to build these images since updated images will likely get
consumed in other parts of our CI/CD.
Lots of testing coming up to ensure Amber is easy to update to.
Feedback most welcome.
[0.] See attached list of upated package to minimal PureOS image
Welcome to another bits from PureOS email. Your irregular email for all
things PureOS! Or maybe for _some_ things PureOS. Okay, mostly just
what I've been doing and noticed happening.
Firstly, I can't make GUADEC despite the fact that my talk has been
approved and I'd really like to go. I just cannot find child care for
my daughter. I would bring her but she starts school on the 28th and
that's the day that there is flatpak hacking, including work on a
store. *sigh*
Secondly, I'd like to point out that our intrepid dak hacker (dacker?)
Matthias has already begun work on a new stable distro called "amber".
This is going to be pretty exciting stuff I think, at least I'm excited
to offer a more stable distro to users who're asking for a more stable
Thirdly, I've uploaded a couple packages (and am working on a couple
more.) See
for details but what's happened is I've made some tiny config changes to Gnupg to support the made-in-America Librem Key and pushed a new version of flashrom into PureOS.
I'm trying to upload Lollypop but having some problems getting the orig
taball uploaded, not sure what triggers that even though its in my
.changes file. Hopefully the dak gods will assist.
- There's a meeting being planned for next week to talk about the
design of software.pureos.net
- The download ISO of pureos.net/download has finally been updated to
the image that Matthias created in July
- Lots of meetings this week including a infrastructure meeting which
will hopefully lay the ground work for bringing the work done on L5
into purple.
- We have a patch upstream in Gnupg to add the Librem Key into Debian,
as soon as that package is live we'll no longer need the Gnupg package
I uploaded
That's it for this bits email, as always, feedback welcome.
Congratulations to all the DDs on this list for their work on Buster!
Thank you! I'm sure there are many, many people out there grateful for
your contribution.
My next question naturally is; is PureOS Green going to continue to
track Buster? This was a question we brought up in March:
A broader discussion followed that thread and while the shape of
consensus seemed to emerge, there were some threads left dangling. Now,
as we're being asked by other stakeholders what are plans are, I'd like
to be able to announce that PureOS Green is tracking Debian Buster.
May I make that announcement?
Primarily due to an initramfs permission issue where reading disk
encryption keys from the initramfs was possible in certain
configurations[1], but also because the previous images were getting
old, we have new PureOS installation images for testing.
Thinks to look at, as always:
* Does the image boot cleanly?
* Does the Live installer work?
* Does the OEM installer work?
* Does the OEM initial setup work as expected?
* Does the respective desktop function as expected?
* Any noticeable bugs/regressions?
You can find the images for the respective flavors here:
GNOME Live: https://downloads.puri.sm/live/gnome/2019-07-14/
GNOME OEM: https://downloads.puri.sm/oem/gnome/2019-07-14/
Plasma Live: https://downloads.puri.sm/live/plasma/2019-07-14/
I already tested the images and found no noticeable issues, but having
more eyes on them before we change the default download links is
always good.
Happy testing!
[1]: https://calamares.io/calamares-cve-2019/
I impatiently added the SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH to the version of make-live
that we use to build PureOS images. It seems to have made a difference
though not completely eliminated our blockers to reproducibility;
While the byte-for-byte difference now is much smaller, and the date is
consistent across builds in the ISO at least, other parts of the build
are getting the date from the file system I believe.
For example, under the section casper/filesystem.squashfs[0.]
unsqaushfs -s {} says;
2 Creation·or·last·append·time·Fri·Jul·12·07:12:11·2019
2 Creation·or·last·append·time·Fri·Jul·12·05:11:57·2019
The leads me to believe that I need to ensure that SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH is
being seen when the squashfs file system is written using Lamby's debug
method of printing "echo SDE=$SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH" in various places to
determine if it's being seen in each build context.
After that I think the next step, or even a step to take anyway, is to
run strip-nondeterminism over the resulting ISOs[1.]
1. https://packages.debian.org/sid/strip-nondeterminism
Feedback, corrections most welcome.
There's been some discussion amongst various folks that our
communication culture can be suboptimal at times. I thought I would try
and encourage greater use of our mailing list to compliment our chat
channel and this irregular (but hopefully frequent) email is a
collection of "bits" in the spirit of a Debian's "Bits from . . . "
In PureOS we have a number of current topics which I'll enumerate here;
1. Reproducible builds
2. Supporting Pureboot and Purism hardware
3. Continuous delivery of PureOS
4. PureOS store (and application discovery)
These are high level topics which are organized in no particular
priority. I thought that I'd try to have updates in each of these areas
and to tie in the work being done in other parts of Purism that may
have an impact on those topics expanding the topic list where
In regard to reproducible builds, Chris Lamb and I have been meeting
regularly to discuss PureOS builds and their reproducibility. We've
managed to create a automated scan of PureOS builds via diffoscope;
That page is created automatically each day from two builds done on
that host. I believe that we'll be able to say that the PureOS ISO is
reproducible when the builds are byte-for-byte identical. We hold some
documentation here;
The next topic I'd like to talk about is the delta between PureOS and
Debian. I mention this because I feel it fits into the Continuous
Delivery topic above and is something that I've been talking to
Matthias and Gunther about, albeit breifly. The reason to understand
the delta between PureOS and Debian is to be able to calculate roughly
the effort needed to move our currently Phone OS from Debian to PureOS.
Hopefully being able to specify what is different between the two
distros will enable us to create a PureOS image that matches the
versions and/or the functionality of the work being done in the L5
team. I'll send a separate email regarding this topic as it is
important and we may need to gather a number of people to participate.
Work is ongoing on the PureOS Store. Rodolfo has been working recently
on adaptive design and it looks good. More work to be done of course.
I'm working on getting a round trip for Animatch and other flatpaks,
like Lollypop. At this stage I'm looking to export the built flatpak to
the server and see if I can't use the "install" button to install it on
the devkit. More updates soon.
We may have an additional colleague if the org chart is any indication,
I think that will be a welcome addition. I'll let everyone know more as
soon as I know more.
Well, just a medium length email this time, if they get too long they
tend to get a bit boring. There's still lots to write about but
hopefullly another "Bits from PureOS" will be coming soon to an inbox
near you.